Online College of Zoological Canine Behavioral Studies         



Department of Animal Behavior - Canine Behavioral Studies M.Sc. and Doctoral Ph.D

All about LHU

About us

London Hanover University is a small, private, for profit educational institution.

The college consists of five administrators, twelve instructors, and eighteen investors. 

The name was chosen because the investors are located in London, UK and Hanover, Germany: though there are also a few investors in the U.S.

LHU is a virtual distance college focusing on zoological based, canine behavioral sciences. 

Accredited by the Western European Commission for Higher Education, the college provides education, leading to degree awards, upon the student meeting specific critera. 

Course audits are completed by administrators upon each class completion to assure education validity and continuity. 

All courses and policies are listed as approved by WECHE. 

LHU meets WECHE accreditation as a virtual online school. 

Most law enforcement agencies, as well as, many colleges and universities within the U.S. and other nations will accept the LHU acedemic transcripts. The student is encouraged to check with an institution or employer for acceptance. 

London Hanover University (formerly Winthrope University) has been helping students of animal behavior for over a decade. We started small and are still small but with the vision of out founders and support of many colleges and individuals, we have helped educate so many students of canine studies, from many nations, who otherwise would not be able to gain the educational benefits near them.