Online College of Zoological Canine Behavioral Studies         



Department of Animal Behavior - Canine Behavioral Studies M.Sc. and Doctoral Ph.D

Anthrozoology - Canine Ethological Zoology - Canine Behavioral Science - Canine Developmental Science

Bachelor of Science Degree 

A Bachelor of Science degree requires at total of 120 earned or transferred credit hours. In order to qualify for the bachelor  degree, the student must meet three (4) primary requirements:

1. A minimum of 60 credit hours must be earned from London Hanover University. The maximum transferred credits into the degree program is 60 credit hours.

2. The student must have passed all courses, earning a minimum of 3.0 quality points per class.

3. A bachelor of science degree requires a minimum of 50 core (specific courses related to the major) credit hours.

4. Student must have met all General Education requirements.