Online College of Zoological Canine Behavioral Studies         



Department of Animal Behavior - Canine Behavioral Studies M.Sc. and Doctoral Ph.D


Payment Policy

Students who enroll in a class will be expected to submit payment at the time of that registration. Students seeking alternative methods of payment should email the administrator for options.


Course Length

The course consists of 7 - 14 weeks, each containing activities and assignments designed to increase understanding of a given topic or topics. These activities and assignments should be completed in sequence, as the course content is progressive.

Each week the student will receive a weekly activity sheet. The sheet will clearly explain the material for the week and assignments associated.

Each week includes some of all of the following elements: Introduction

Each week begins with an Introduction that presents an overview of content to be addressed and establishes the context for the new knowledge.

Learning Objectives

The Learning Objectives articulate the knowledge and/or skills you will demonstrate in completing the weekly assignments. They are related to the conceptual framework, professional standards, and expected program outcomes.

Learning Resources

The Learning Resources present new knowledge and skills on the topic(s) covered each week. The Learning Resources will inform Application Assignments. Learning Resources include the following:

Required Readings

Required Readings provide support, research, and information related to the topic(s) of the week. You will be expected to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts and ideas in the Required Readings in your weekly assignments.


Internet research is paramount in advancing. The ability to distinguish varied materials, choosing correct paths of information to utilize and base is ultimate consideration.

Optional Resources
In addition to the required course material, optional resources may also be suggested. Application

The Application Assignment is an opportunity for you to transfer new knowledge and skills to an authentic context relevant to your own teaching situation. Each Application Assignment requires independent reflection, analysis, synthesis, and personalization of the concepts and strategies presented during the week.

Suggested assignment lengths are provided for the Application Assignments. Note: These page lengths do not include (if applicable) the cover page, reference list, and appendices.

Unless otherwise noted, Application Assignments must follow American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines. Please refer to the Pocket Guide to APA Style.

Evaluation Procedures and Grading Scale

Candidates are expected to complete all assignments according to the due dates and to submit work that meets defined criteria for graduate-level work. If any assignments are late or missing, the final course grade may be affected.


The following summative (final) course grades may be achieved: Quality of Work

Numeric Grade Percent Range GRADING SCALE:


Exemplary 5

98.0% - 100%


Honor Level work 4



Average Passing 3

80% - 90%


Below Average 2
(must repeat )

0% - 80%


The Instructor shall use professional judgment in cases where candidate scores fall between 5 and 4 or 4 and 3. When determining the grade, the Instructor may take into account a candidate’s effort and improvement, professionalism, willingness to accept and apply constructive criticism, and evidence of commitment to growth and improvement.

Skipping or waiving assignments in any course is never an option. If candidates neglect to complete any weekly assignments, the Instructor has the right to lower the final grade.

Delivery of Assignments

Assignments are due no later than 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time) on the date specified on the weekly assignment sheet.

Writing across the Curriculum

LHU is committed to high academic literacy standards. To develop these skills in candidates, this course has a strong emphasis on written assignments. All assignments are expected to meet the following standards:

Clear central idea carefully and coherently developed with intended emphasis correct grammar; no persistent mechanical errors
neat appearance with evidence of having been carefully proofread. 

References cited using APA style (except in Discussion postings in online classrooms, or as advised by instructor). You may want to visit the following website for more information on APA style:

Please note that although academic standards are expected in all submitted assignments and formal discussions, candidates will not be graded on other written contributions to the course, such as informal questions, comments, and additional discussions that candidates may choose to begin.

Academic Honesty

LHU considers academic honesty to be essential for each student’s intellectual development. As an institution fundamentally concerned with the free exchange of ideas, the university depends on the academic integrity of each of its members. In the spirit of this free exchange, students and faculty of LHU recognize the necessity and accept the responsibility for academic honesty. A student who enrolls thereby agrees to respect and acknowledge the research and ideas of others in his or her work and to abide by those regulations governing work stipulated by the school or academic program and, in turn, the Instructor.



Plagiarism is defined as use of intellectual material produced by another person without acknowledging its source. For example:

· Wholesale copying of passages from works of others into an assignment, paper, Discussion forum posting, or thesis or dissertation without acknowledgment

  • ·  Using the views, opinions, or insights of another without acknowledgment

  • ·  Paraphrasing another person’s characteristic or original phraseology, metaphor, or other literary device without acknowledgment 

    Instructors monitor student work for evidence of plagiarism. In addition, the Office of Academic Affairs (registrar) conducts periodic reviews of randomly selected samples of current student work for evidence of plagiarism.

    Please note that your Instructor may require you to submit your work through, which is a plagiarism prevention tool, prior to submitting assignments. You are strongly encouraged to review the tutorial at

    Candidates with Disabilities

    Candidates in this course who have a disability that might prevent them from fully demonstrating their abilities should contact the Instructor as soon as possible to initiate disability verification and discuss accommodations that may be necessary to ensure full participation in the successful completion of course requirements.

    Classroom Participation

    In accordance with accreditation standards guidance regarding class participation, LHU requires that all students submit their required Week 1 assignments within each course(s) during the first 7 calendar days of class. The first calendar day of class is the official start date of the course as posted on the assignment sheet.


    Withdrawal must be made in writing.

Candidates who withdraw from the class within the first 2 weeks will receive a full refund, after any ussued text material has been returned. Failure to return the text materiasl will result in the cost of the text being discounted from the full refund.

Refunds, due to withdrawal will follow the following scale after 2 weeks:

3 weeks – 75%
4 weeks – 50%
5 weeks – 20%

6 weeks – 10%